影片类型: 故事片
影片级别: 普通电影
开放对象: 普通会员
出产地区: 欧美地区
影片长度: 90 分种
Based on a true story. A teenager about age 13 falls in love with a hooker (age 16) in a train station. Both are severely treated by a man who used them. The boy sings in train imitating a famous tango singer "El Polaco". The performance of the boy (who is not an actor) is great. You have to see his face, his eyes, his expressions to confirm this. It is a boy from the streets. The other non professional actor, that was also a homeless, is good too. And the actress is in the line of the story. This is a very cruel movie, hard to see. But it must be seen. To tell you the truth, I was shocked after watching it. Must be seen, honestly